Attracting Your Soul Mate or Mr/Mrs Right

At one point or another we all are looking for our soul mate. Why do others attract another person quicker while others don’t?. Could be many reasons contributing to this, but I am just going to share what my experience was.

So I found myself single just after my 40th birthday. I spent perhaps two years just going through the motions of everyday life, trying to let go of the past, working on forgiveness of self and what my perceived wrong doing of others in my life. When I felt ready to come out of my cocoon I did a lot of self work.

I listened to all of Doreen Virtue CDS on love, I went to workshops like “The Journey” and “You can Heal Your Life” so I could be in the space of letting go the past and stepping out of any victimhood that I still held onto. I even listed to the series of Christian Carter to work out what men were looking for- my kids got a giggle every time they got in the car.

I realised that to attract love I needed to be the person I wanted to attract. I did put my profile on RSVP and gosh I lost count on how many coffee dates I went to. They all sounded nice over the net.  The lessons I wish I had learnt really quickly while internet dating were:-

  • Lesson 1 – Don’t waste too much time getting to know anyone on the internet unless you have time to kill. Everyone is nice over the net.
  • Lesson 2 – If they let you down meeting up this will be a repetitive pattern.
  • Lesson 3 – If they go hot and cold with communicating they are still exploring their options or have a partner they may want to get back with.
  • Lesson 4 – Do yourself a favour and re watch He Is Just Not That Into You.
  • Lesson 5 – No photo no date.

I have some tremendously funny memories of internet dating and the day that my bedroom floor looked like a hurricane or more like my daughters room from all the dates I had that week. I told myself I need to get a grip lol.

So the things I worked on before meeting my wonderful husband was as follows:-

  • Made sure that energy chords were cut from past loves, flings or Mr Right Nows yes you need to let go of your version of MR BIG.
  • Worked on my self confidence by going to the gym to raise my energy levels and be the best version of myself
  • Started to really look at repetitive signs I was being shown in the men I was seeing.
  • Trusted my gut instincts
  • Told myself that if it didn’t work out with MR X then 6 fabulous men were in the wings waiting- I worked on my confidence ..It become my annoying mantra “Well if you don’t like it 6 others will”. (This kept me positive (whatever works right?)
  • I wrote out an affirmation on my favourite book about my soul mate and what characteristics he would have – but I made sure that those characteristics were inherent in me first. I felt these affirmations I did not think them. I was able to manifest my husband in 7 days .
  • I surrendered and had a knowing that I would meet my soulmate, I never doubted it.
  • I was also Ok with my own company and I did not need a man to survive as I had always been financially independant but it was nice to think I c ould share my life with someone with similar values. SIMILAR VALUES so important…

Just because you have not had any luck with love and romance does not mean you will be alone forever. You can change your life at any point by realigning your thoughts, releasing what no longer serves you and letting go of the past. You can revisit the past whenever you want as long as you don’t live there. No one wants to hear about your ex they are an ex for a reason. Remember that low vibrating energy or thoughts will align you with the same. You could try the following affirmation/intent:-

” I let go of (ex’s name) with love and clear myself of chains to the past to make way for new love to enter my life”

Wishing you that giddy feeling of love at first sight.